Confectionary Gear Pumps Get The Thumbs Up From Manufacturers

Up to 20 years after their installation at the Norwich works of Rowntree Chocolates, rotary gear pumps that had been supplied by Barclay Kellett of Bradford were taken out of service. Fit for many more years of operation, they we re-installed at Nestle’s York, Halifax and Newcastle factories. Under the Barclay Kellett design, Albany Engineering […]

Confectionary Manufacturers Look For Simple And Effective Pump Solutions

Albany Pumps have found that many of their customers have, prior to working with Albany, adopted screw-pattern pumps for handling molten chocolate. However, in-service problems with bearings and seals led to heavy running costs. One user reported that his screw pumps had to be stripped and serviced weekly. Low maintenance costs brought a pump manufactured […]